JESS FRANCO MONTH: X312 Flight to Hell (1971)

Jess Frank is, of course, Jess Franco and this movie feels like absolute sadness as it was once to star Soledad Miranda except that she died a few months before shooting. One assumes that Franco was destroyed by this.

Bank president Alberto Rupprecht (Siegfried Schürenberg) has run from his job along with millions in jewels, but like that lottery ticket winner from a Canadian singer’s song, the plane is taken hostage, then crashes and soon, everyone that survives is on the run through the jungles of Brazil and being following by Pedro’s (Howard Vernon, who else?) revolutionaries and — yes, this is a Franco movie — some headhunters.

Along for the ride are Miss Stefi (Gila von Weitershausen), who has a teddy bear and that won’t help much; the pneumatic Anna Maria Vidal (Esperanza Roy, Return of the Blind Dead); a man (Antonio de Cabo) and his small dog and a rich American beauty named Mrs. Wilson (Ewa Strömberg, The Devil Came from AkasavaVampyros Lesbos) and it should surprise no one that Franco shot a lesbian scene amongst all this death in the jungle.

Franco must have really been depressed because this is filled with hardly any zoom and none of the outright sinful insanity I expect. He’d be back on his game — in fact, outdoing himself — before too long.

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