Il mostro di Firenze (1986)

Based on a true story, this is all about a series of sex murders that have been the talk of Florence for almost 15 years. A serial killer is murdering couples while they make love, then cutting off parts of the female anatomy. Whoever the murderer is, they start the film by killing two more people while they are camping.

Hunting for that killer are Giulia (Bettina Giovannini), a journalist who has been tracking the killer for four years, and her fiancee writer Andreas Ackermann (Leonard Mann) who is writing a book all about the crimes. He soon realizes that he’s become obsessed with the case and has constructed a profile of a wealthy man whose parent’s perversions made him impotent.

As the case was not solved when this came out, this film was pulled from theaters. The case was finally resolved in 1998. Four men — all friends — were the killer, including five of the killings committed by postal worker Mario Vanni, along with participation by Giancarlo Lotti and two others who were released due to lack of evidence.

Directed by Cesare Ferrario, this was also released as Night Killer. this has Leonard Mann in his second giallo after Night School.

The same year, Camillo Teti released The Killer Is Still Among Us which is a much rougher and more traditional giallo story.

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