2023 Scarecrow Psychotronic Challenge Day 30: Return to Sleepaway Camp (2008)

30. CAMPOTRONIC: A summer camp that puts the zing in blazing inferno, the spice in hospice, the fest in infestation, the fun in funeral. Go and have yourself a time. 

Ignore Sleepaway Camp II: Unhappy Campers and Sleepaway Camp III: Teenage Wasteland, as this is a direct sequel to the first movie.

Camp Manabe is where Alan (Michael Gibney) is going through some things. He’s awkward and while he tries to be tough with the younger kids, he’s abused by his stepbrother Michael (Michael Werner) and even a girl named Bella (Shahidah McIntosh). He also gets into it with camp counselors Ronnie (Paul DeAngelo) and Ricky (Jonathan Tiersten, who was in the first movie) over the food. Ronnie feels bad for him and lets him go get an ice cream sandwich, which starts another argument between Alan and a cook named Mickey (Lenny Venito). A butcher knife gets thrown, Frank the camp owner (Vincent Pastore) screams at the kid and Alan runs away.

Mickey is soon killed by deep frying and being thrown into a trash compactor.

Alan keeps getting abused. They try and get him to smoke marijuana that is really cow manure and this causes him to fall into another student’s privates. As you can imagine, he’s really getting made fun of now. The kid who caused this, Weed (Adam Wylie)? Well, he’s forced to drink gasoline and smoke a cigarette.

Why would anyone keep after Alan? Why do Michael, T.C. (Christopher Shand) and Marie (Samantha Hahn) force Karen (Erin Broderick) to lure Alan up on stage where he’s stripped in front of the entire camp? Why does anyone let this go on so long?

Only Petey (Kate Simses) stands up for him, which makes Ronnie think that she could be the murderer. Well, the killings don’t stop. Even the owner isn’t safe, as rats eat through his face and come out of his intestines, while Randy gets his penis removed via rope tied to a jeep and Linda goes face first into barbed wire. T.C. gets a sharpened piece of wood to the eye and Bella gets impaled by a bed of nails. Ah man, this camp!

Michael saves Karen at the last minute and finds his stepbrother hiding. He beats him with a mallet, nearly killing him, before being stopped by Sheriff Jerry. He claims that the victims had it coming so…l don’t want to ruin the ending, but it’s pretty great because it gives you what you wanted for the entire movie. Of course, it would have been a better movie if this character was here from the beginning.

Director and writer Robert Hiltzik also made the original movie. This is not as well-recalled as that movie.

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