2022 Scarecrow Psychotronic Challenge Day 8: Midnight Tease (1994)

8. IN YOUR DREAMS: Heavy on the dream sequence, Jack.

Samantha (Cassandra Leigh AKA Lisa Boyle) is an exotic dancer at Club Fugazi and her fantasy life is even wilder, as she dreams that she’s at the center of fetish-heavy sex scenes with murder always moments away. But as for her real-life dancing, it’s the kind of performance art pretty dance that’s more burlesque than bump and grind, finding her dressed as a schoolgirl complete with lollipop or part of a BDSM wedding number. No strip club you will ever go to will have outfits and routines at this level, unless Zanzibar from Flashdance was real. It’s not, I’m from Pittsburgh.

After she starts going to therapy with Dr. Saul (Justin Carroll), Samantha learns that her dreams are her working out the incest she survived from her father and the guilt that is still harming her as she watched him kill himself. As for the girls getting killed in the dream and then dying in real life, well now you’re in a giallo. Or an erotic thriller. Or a stripper in peril film.

The other girls in this include Stephanie Champlin (Witchcraft VIIce Cream Man) as Tiffany, Rachel Reed as Amy, Ashlie Rhey (Ring of Fire II: Blood and SteelHell’s Bells) as Mantra, Melissa Dutton (Forbidden Hearts) as Satchi, Nicole Grey (Joe D’Amato’s Il diavolo nella carne) as Dusty and Lisa Collins as Whiplash. The music is, as you would expect, perfectly 90s adult club music and the repetition will destroy you.

Director Scott P. Levy also made the TV remake of Piranha, as well as House of the Damned and The Alien Within. Writer Daniella Purcell also wrote the remake of The Wasp Woman and Burial of the Rats.

While not the greatest erotic thrill of the 90s — or even 1994 — the sequel was directed and written by Richard Styles, who made Sorcereress II. It has Kimberly Kelly, Tane McClure, Griffin Drew, Kim Kopf, Antonia Dorian and the reason why I’ll watch it, Julie K. Smith.

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