Hungarian-born Canadian director George Mihalka is probably better known for My Bloody Valentine than this movie, which also has the title The Blue Man.

Paul Sharpe (Winston Rekert) is a TV producer who meets the mysterious Amelia Lambro (Karen Black and wow, what a mysterious woman to meet) who teaches him how to astral project. The only problem is that when he does that, horrible things happen to other people, like his therapist, whose bones and organs are crushed by psychic power.

Meanwhile, Helen (Joanne Cole) is somehow able to convert Paul’s business partner from homosexuality to heterosexuality because she too is an eternal blue-formed ghost being and her centuries-long partner is Amelia, also known as Janus, and they exist beyond simple things like gender identity and sexual preference. The entire goal has been to destroy Paul’s life by having him kill his therapist, his father-in-law and wife through the powers shown to him so that Janus can take over his body.

Writer Robert Geoffrion also was the man who wrote the equally strange The Surrogate. This one is just as daffy and I say that in the nicest way possible.

One thought on “MILL CREEK NIGHTMARE WORLDS: Eternal Evil (1985)

  1. (Spoiler Alert)

    IIRC the explanation for the business partner’s “conversion” from gay to straight cleverly reveals itself in retrospect when we have more information later: the male half of the eternally-reincarnating couple had taken a female body in his current incarnation, and the business partner was attracted to the inner male spirit. Hence his surprise at being attracted to a woman when as far as he knew he only liked men.

    Whether this means that in this movie’s universe, spirits have an intrinsic gender, I don’t know. Maybe just that one couple, because they’ve kept their internal sense of gender continuity along with their memories while consciously reincarnating.

    I like the name of the actor who played the business partner, Vlasta Vrana!


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