TROMA BLU RAY RELEASE: Surf Nazis Must Die (1987)

I may have gone on record numerous times of my intense displeasure with most Troma productions, but this was actually produced by The institute, a production company formed by George, Craig A. Colton and Robert Tinnell, and distributed by Troma.

After the earthquake that’s always been prophecized that will destroy the coastline of California finally arrives, Adolf (Barry Brenner) declares himself the Führer of the new beach and has his Surf Nazis attack all of the other rival surf gangs*. But when he murders Mama Washingon’s (Gail Neely) son, he’s finally made the mistake that will undo his foamy Fourth Reich.

The original box of Surf Nazis Must Die used to practically shouts “Rent me!” from the shelves of every video store I ever went to, yet somehow I’ve never seen it until now. Probably the biggest selling point to me was the appearance of Bobbie Bresee, who won my heart in Mausoleum, showing up as Smeg’s mom, who is very concerned about the path her son is going down.

Somewhere in here is an idea for a really fun movie, more of The Warriors on a post-apocalyptic beach, and I love that. But it doesn’t really have a focus, but then again, Mama Washington is such a great character and I love every moment that she’s on screen. So…secret success?

The new Troma blu ray of Surf Nazis Must Die has a new introduction by Lloyd Kaufman, an exclusive interview with director Peter George, an on-set interview with producer Robin Tinnell, deleted scenes, an episode of The Projection Booth with Peter George, scenes from the Tromaville Café!, a feature on the Soul of Troma, promos for Radiation March, Indie Artists vs. Cartels and Gizzard Face II: Return of Gizzard Face, a Blood Stab sort and more #FanTOXIC featurettes. You can get this blu ray from MVD.

*The Samurais, The Pipeliners, the Skate Rats, Biker Bar and Designer Waves, made up of Curl Blow and Dry. Thanks Edith on Letterboxd!

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