7 SHARP (2021)

Dark family secrets. The kind that no one wants to discuss, the ones that change and color every holiday from times to make memories to occasions that make one dread every exchange, eggshells strewn amongst the gathering.

Gammy (Aloma Wright, Scrubs) and her daughter Charlene (Andrea Bennett) have one of those secrets to deal with. And this movie gives a unique look into — in the filmmaker’s words — “how the black experience sometimes deals with secrets and trauma.”

So how do you break a cycle? Is it through more violence? More deceit? Subterfuge?

And what does mixing the perfect glass of lemonade have to do with all of this?

Director and writer LaCora Stephens has done what every short should: tell enough of the story to leave you wanting more, hungry for what happens next, interested by where these characters go next.

You can learn more about this movie on the offical site.

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