Ape Canyon (2019)

We love Bigfoot movies enough to have an entire Letterboxd list devoted to them. Ape Canyon offers something that no other film on that list does. It’s a life crisis film wrapped up in a need to find a living sasquatch.

Cal Piker (Jackson Trent, who also was in Bad Witch) reappears in the life of his sister Samantha (Anna Fagan) and demands that she go to Oregon with him to look for Bigfoot, a trip that he has paid for with her credit card.

The trip to Ape Canyon means facing danger and being guided by the Bigfoot Investigation Organization, which starts with everyone’s money being stolen and then the group left in the woods to die.

Just as much a road trip and exploration of what happens when life doesn’t live up to our dreams, Ape Canyon is anything but just another bigfoot movie. Joshua Land, its director, also co-directed the aforementioned Bad Witch, which also nicely sidesteps convention. I really liked how past meetings with the mysterious monster are only shown in animated form. And now, I’m interested to see what he and screenwriter Harrison Demchick do next.

Ape Canyon is available on demand from Indie Rights. You can learn more on the official Facebook page.

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