Mercy Mission: The Rescue of Flight 771 (1993)

NBC-TV is back with another airline disaster flick, this one directed by TV movie warhorse Roger Young. I’ll always remember Young for his debut tearjerker, Something for Joey, a highly-rated TV movie sports drama starring Marc Singer, that aired on CBS-TV in 1977. In the theatrical realms, Young directed the 1987 Micheal Keaton box-office bomb (less than $3 million in tickets against $20 million) The Squeeze. Then Keaton was cast as you know who.

So that takes care of the Batman minutiae to amaze your friends in the DC Universe. Now let’s unpack this flick.

Courtesy of Fly Leaping Terminal/Angelfire (Quantum Leap Fan Site)

Yep. Thanks to Scott Bakula on the marquee, this TV movie made bank courtesy of its additional income as a successful overseas theatrical feature — known as Flight from Hell. And, yes. Like most other TV movie airline disasters, the special effects are mostly stock and not very special, and — according to airline buffs — the against-the-budget film is rife with technical flubs and details about the Australian airline industry. And even if this isn’t a good as most of the classic, Big Three network TV flicks of the ’70s, we have still have Scott Bakula and he never-ever-sucks-in-anything Robert Loggia selling the goods, so who cares about flubs and glitches?

Film on location in Australia, it tells of the real-life, 1978 rescue of a distressed Cessna pilot (Bakula), lost and low on fuel somewhere in the Tasman Sea between Oz and New Zealand. Loggia, as a commercial airline pilot on his last flight, leads the by-air search and rescue.

You can watch this on You Tube HERE and HERE.

About the Author: You can read the music and film reviews of R.D Francis on Medium and learn more about his work on Facebook. He also writes for B&S Movies.

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