Diablo Rojo PTY (2019)

This is a great set-up from the PR for this film: “A “Diablo Rojo” bus driver, his helper, a priest, and two policemen fall victim to a mysterious spell and end up lost somewhere in the Chiriqui jungle, where they will have to survive the creatures that inhabit the roads, with the old bus as their only refuge.”

Diablo Rojo, or Red Devil, is the name given to the colorful buses that race through the streets of Panama, taking tourists all over and nearly ending their lives with insane driving.

The first movie for director Sol Moreno and the first horror film to come out of Panama, Diablo Rojo PTY makes use of the folklore of its country. I know nothing of Panama’s legends, so this was an interesting trip into the complete unknown.

I now have learned that by the time they are 33, Panamanian witches must commit an act of atrocity worse than eating a baby. I also now know of La Tulivieja, a short woman whose breasts are so full that she must drag them around, followed by ants that drink the milk.

This is a film that has one foot in the 1950’s and another in today, with practical gore and neon hues. It’s unlike anything else that will come out this year, which is an achievement that I mean as a compliment.

You can watch this on Amazon Prime. For more information, check out the official Facebook page.

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