Kriminal (1966) and Il marchio di Kriminal (1967)

Roel Bos, using the stage name Glenn Saxson, appeared in this movie and its sequel, as well as a few spaghetti westerns in his career before becoming a producer.

This is based on the fumetti neri Kriminal, which has a hero of sorts that has no issue murdering people and then sleeping with women before killing them to keep his identity a secret. Director Umberto Lenzi wanted to make a comic film, with the goals of making Satanik or Danger: Diabolik, but ended up making this.

Kriminal is much less ruthless in this film, which is more a fun spy film. Andrea Bosic (the optician from Fulci’s Manhattan Baby) is Inspector Milton, who follows our antihero around. Horror actress — and spy film too — par excellence Helga Line shows up too. I’ve mentioned her in so many Eurospy reviews, but you can also find her in Horror ExpressNightmare Castle and The Vampires Night Orgy.

The best part of this movie are the animated open and close titles, which lend a really interesting look.

Lenzi, Saxson and Line would return a year later for Il marchio di Kriminal, a sequel that becomes more of a travelogue spy adventure, as many late 60’s films become.

Instead of diamond robberies as in the first film, the sequel finds Kriminal looking for missing paintings, with the map hidden inside four statues of Buddha.

I’m fascinated by this era of Italian comic book movies, so I loved these perhaps a bit more than the ordinary film watcher. You should check them out for yourself.

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