TUBI ORIGINAL: War of the Worlds: Extinction (2024)

At the end of War of the Worlds: Annihilation, General Skuller (William Baldwin) is taking spaceships into space to colonize — attack — other planets after the planet Earth — destroyed by years of pollution — comes after the planet Emios. He sends Alice (April Mae Davis) through the wormhole that connects the two planets and has her use the Terra Modus to destroy our homeworld by creating a series of natural disasters.

Earth’s defenses are led by General Alfaro (Michael Paré), who coincidentally has an ex-wife named Sybil (Kate Hodge) and a daughter named Jill (Jessy Holtermann) who are studying that very same device. Yes, it’s the battle we’ve always wanted: Baldwin vs. Paré! Where does Eric Roberts stand in all of this?

Directed by Christopher Ray (Fred Olen Ray’s son; he also directed Mercenaries, Almighty Thor and Mega Shark vs. Kolossus) and written by Marc Gottlieb ( Time Pirates) — and produced by The Asylum — this really makes you wonder who the heroes and who the villains are. Maybe there aren’t any when it comes to war? Maybe we have no real choice over who are leader is going to be because both options are the worst possible? Is The Asylum making a deep point for us to consider? No, of course not. They just want to use disasters footage from other movies and have another series of movies to make money from. There’s nothing wrong with that. That’s what exploitation is all about.

You can watch this on Tubi.

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