My Amityville Horror (2013)

After years of silence, Daniel Lutz, Kathy’s oldest son speaks openly about what he experienced in the house on 112 Ocean Avenue. Did he witness the paranormal? Or was he an abused child Writer, director and producer Eric Walter really has the perfect subject here, as Lutz — while gruff  and profane — is a fascinating subject.

Consider this a reunion story. Now, the adult Daniel meets the people who came into his life in the media crazy 1970’s — Channel 5 reporter Marvin Scott, as well as various psychologists and parapsychologists, including perhaps one of the most famous of their number, Lorraine Warren.

Despite us doing an entire week on these films, Lutz lived this story and the aftermath as it played out not just in the media, but in pop culture. At one point, he disappeared into the desert, as he says, and left his family and the stories behind.

But childhood pain — much like ghosts — never really go away. Was his father a Satanist, a child abuser or just a man? Is Lutz a reliable narrator? Is the Devil real? I enjoyed how the film leaves all of these questions on the table and allows you to determine your own conclusions.

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